Friday, June 13, 2008

Family Fun Friday Nights

We have created this tradition here in Slovenia called Family Fun Friday Nights. I make homemade pizza, very yummy, we play games as a family, such as uno, battle, guess who, and pass the pigs, Jon is our chocolate chip cookie baker, from scratch, and then we all watch a family movie. The kids love it so much that they will not let us forget about it and all week long they are saying "is it Friday yet" or "only so many days until Friday". I am so glad that they enjoy it and we do have a blast. Here are some pictures from our special night.

1 comment:

Empty Nester said...

Love the idea of family fun night! Our lives are so hectic that Steve and I rarely get "fun" time together. We are going to have to adapt a couples version of this since our kids are all grown now!