Wednesday, May 14, 2008

boys and school

My patience is really being tried and i didnt even pray for it J/K. I wish I had patience when it comes to schooling the boys it flies out the window. I have truly wanted to throw a book, pencil or anything around me at times. I have to go to another room and cool off just so I do not yell at them. I remember when I was young and I had homework and my dad yelling at me because I just didnt get it. Yikes, I thought he was so mean when he did that, at least now I understand the frustration of not being able to get something across to your children that they need to know. In my defense they do know how to push my buttons and they just can not seem to resist doing it. I must be a gluten for punishment because I am going to continue to do school with them through the summer! I dont want to be rushed to get things in so I want to be able to take it slow and also take breaks here and there when needed, such as when we have visitors and when we want to go somewhere or I am sick. I dont know if it is just me but I am having the hardest time with getting them to read. They hate it. They love to be read to. I read them a chapter out of a chapter book every night and they love it. They just do not like reading things themselves. Well, I press on and pray constantly. I now have a new found meaning to the verse "pray without ceasing" because when I cease I loose my cool. It is so much easier to teach someone else's kids, they go home with them. As always, keep me in your prayers.


Connie said...

I can't believe you are upset with my little darlings!!!Hope things go better next week. I miss you and the kids. Tell them I think their pictures look great! Love you, Mom

Empty Nester said...

Hi friend...been there...done that! The thing about homeschooling isn't really the schooling, it is what it reveals about each one of us. All that togetherness builds relationships in a remarkable way. You will grow, they will grow...and don't worry, they will learn to read. Go easy on them and encourage them to want to learn. Light the fire...if the fire begans to burn, you won't be able to stop them from learning!